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Your Dentist for Root canal treatment

Your Dentist for Root canal treatment

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If you're experiencing persistent tooth pain or sensitivity to hot and cold, it could indicate an infected tooth requiring root canal treatment. Dental21 offers expert care in treating such infections, which won't heal on their own. Our dentists will guide you through the process, ensuring a comfortable experience. Root canal treatment can help to preserve - and thus save - a severely infected tooth. This saves costs, pain, and nerves. And the earlier and more professionally it is carried out, the better.

Root canal treatment, also known as endodontic therapy, is a dental procedure designed to treat infection at the center of a tooth (the root canal system). This treatment becomes necessary when the dental pulp inside your tooth, made up of nerves and blood vessels, becomes infected through decay or injury. Without treatment, the infection can spread, leading to pain, swelling, and even damage to the bone structure of the jaw.

At Dental21, we recommend considering root canal treatment if you experience symptoms such as severe toothache, prolonged sensitivity to hot or cold, discoloration of the tooth, swelling and tenderness in the nearby gums, or a recurring pimple on the gums. Our highly skilled dental professionals use advanced techniques to remove the infection, carefully clean and shape the inside of the tooth, and then fill and seal the space to prevent any further infection. This treatment not only relieves pain but also saves the tooth from needing to be extracted.

How it works

Schedule Consultation

Schedule Consultation

We begin with a comprehensive personal intake interview in which you describe your dental concerns to us in detail.

Detailed Examination

Detailed Examination

Our thorough diagnostic process includes everything from digital X-rays to bite assessments and vitality tests, culminating in professional and targeted treatment.

Focused Aftercare

Focused Aftercare

We collaboratively determine your aftercare needs and discuss the necessity of a follow-up appointment to ensure optimal dental health.

Revolutionise your dental experience with the Dental21 Health Assistant

  • Illustrative jaw and gum models show the status of your current oral health.

  • Receive personalized treatment recommendations based on your Dental IQ.

  • Convenient access to all invoices and details of your medical history.

  • Manage your medical appointments - anywhere, anytime!

Optimize your dental health with our user-friendly app!

Revolutionise your dental experience with the Dental21 Health Assistant

Precision and Innovation: Elevating Dental Care

At Dental21, we pride ourselves on utilizing only the finest materials and equipment, ensuring top-tier dental care. Our staff is extensively trained, bringing expert knowledge and skills to every treatment we provide.

Mechanical root canal preparation

Mechanical root canal preparation

Choose the most modern treatment at Dental21 with our mechanical root canal preparation. Root canal treatments are a challenge for patients and dentists alike. The more precise and gentle the procedure can be carried out, the better. The mechanical method has a particularly high success rate because highly flexible titanium file systems are used. This allows the channels to be prepared so that even complicated shapes can be cleaned perfectly. Every procedure can be carried out quickly and with great precision and safety. In this way we can make your treatment as pleasant and comfortable as possible for you.

Digital Volume Tomography (DVT)

Digital Volume Tomography (DVT)

DVT is a game-changer in dental care, offering 3D images for precise diagnostics. It's essential for planning intricate treatments like implants and orthodontics. DVT outperforms CT scans by reducing radiation and speeding up the process, enhancing patient safety and comfort. This advanced imaging technology is key for accurate treatment plans.

Precision Root Care with Electric Length Measuring

Precision Root Care with Electric Length Measuring

Redefine your dental experience with Dental21's Electric Root Length Measuring Device, your key to overcoming root canal challenges. Root canal treatments, often lengthy and discomforting, are transformed with this advanced tool. It provides precise root canal measurements, surpassing the limitations of traditional two-dimensional x-rays. By determining the exact length of the root canal, our device not only enhances treatment accuracy but also streamlines the process, making each step more efficient and comfortable. Trust Dental21 to elevate your dental care with pinpoint accuracy for better outcomes and a smoother patient experience.

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Your visit to the dentist
as it should be.

A dentist who always finds time for you

A dentist who always finds time for you

A dentist who always finds time for you

Appointments with us are quick and uncomplicated. We don't want to keep you waiting in the practice either - that's why we organize the processes so that your turn comes quickly. And we take all the time you need in the treatment room.

Appointments with us are quick and uncomplicated. We don't want to keep you waiting in the practice either - that's why we organize the processes so that your turn comes quickly. And we take all the time you need in the treatment room.

Easy appointment booking

Easy appointment booking

Easy appointment booking

In the 21st century, technology also makes many things possible in the healthcare sector - but often not for everyone. With us, all patients benefit from state-of-the-art dentistry: from 3D treatment planning to independent digital management of your data.

In the 21st century, technology also makes many things possible in the healthcare sector - but often not for everyone. With us, all patients benefit from state-of-the-art dentistry: from 3D treatment planning to independent digital management of your data.

With us, it's you who decides.

With us, it's you who decides.

With us, it's you who decides.

We believe that you should have the last word when it comes to your mouth. And that's how we treat you: That's why Dental21 practices always give you a choice of different custom-fit solutions that are precisely tailored to your needs financially, aesthetically and medically.

We believe that you should have the last word when it comes to your mouth. And that's how we treat you: That's why Dental21 practices always give you a choice of different custom-fit solutions that are precisely tailored to your needs financially, aesthetically and medically.

Our network is optimally interlocked

Our network is optimally interlocked

Our network is optimally interlocked

Whether you need pain management, desire an implant, or need jaw surgery: We have specialists - for everything. And they all work hand in hand to ensure you the best possible individual result.

Whether you need pain management, desire an implant, or need jaw surgery: We have specialists - for everything. And they all work hand in hand to ensure you the best possible individual result.

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Frequently asked questions

Here you will find frequently asked questions from our patients at Dental21, currently answered by our competent practice team. If your question still remains unanswered, contact us directly and tell us your question.

Wie ist der Ablauf einer Zahnwurzelbehandlung?

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Meistens kommen Patienten in die Praxis mit pochenden Zahnschmerzen, welche auf einen entzündeten Zahnnerv hindeuten. Durch eine genaue Diagnostik finden wir dann die Ursache heraus und schauen, ob eine Wurzelbehandlung möglich und nötig ist. Grundsätzlich sind dann mehrere Schritte notwendig: 1. Da eine Wurzelbehandlung sehr schmerzhaft sein kann, wird in der Regel zuerst eine lokale Betäubung gegeben. Auf Wunsch können auch alternative Betäubungen wie z. B. eine Lachgassedierung ausgewählt werden. Sprechen Sie hierzu bitte Ihren behandelnden Arzt direkt an. 2. Im nächsten Schritt öffnet der Zahnarzt den Zahn und befreit die Wurzelkanäle von entzündeten oder abgestorbenen Gewebe. 3. Dann wird der gereinigte Zahn desinfiziert, um sicherzugehen, dass alle Bakterien und Keime beseitigt worden sind. 4. Im letzten Schritt versiegelt der Zahnarzt die Kanäle mit speziellem Füllmaterial und verschließt den Zahn, damit sich keine neuen Bakterien ins Zahninnere ansammeln können.

Wie lange dauert eine Wurzelbehandlung?

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Eine Sitzung dauert etwa 60 Minuten. In komplizierten Fällen kann die Behandlung jedoch auch länger dauern. Die Behandlungsdauer hängt vom individuellen Fall, der Krümmung der Zahnwurzeln sowie der Grad der Erkrankung ab. Aufgrund einer ausführlichen Vorbesprechung kann die Behandlung bei Neupatienten ebenfalls etwas länger dauern.

Wann ist die Zahnwurzelbehandlung notwendig?

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Eine Zahnwurzelbehandlung ist notwendig, wenn sich der Zahnnerv, also das Innere des Zahnes auch Pulpa genannt, bakteriell entzündet hat oder aber der Nerv bereits abgestorben ist. Außerdem kann es nach Unfällen, also wenn Zähne abbrechen, zu einer Wurzelbehandlung mit anschließendem Zahnersatz kommen. Damit wird sichergestellt, dass der eigentlich gesunde Zahn im Kiefer bleiben kann.

Ist eine Wurzelbehandlung schmerzhaft?

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Die Wurzelbehandlung wird im Regelfall durch schmerzunterdrückende Hilfsmittel wie z.B. einer lokalen Betäubung durchgeführt. Der eigentliche Schmerz entsteht nicht durch die Wurzelbehandlung selbst, sondern durch den schmerzenden Zahn. Nur mit Hilfe einer Behandlung durch den Zahnarzt können sie den Schmerz dauerhaft lösen und den Zahn erhalten.